Saturday 18 February 2012

Trading Center is up!

The trading center has just been expertly tested and we can find no faults with the system so good news to all you people out there. Trading requires the ID of the player you're planning to trade with so once the beta is live we're going to make a page on here for you all to make some trade requests to help you all get the gear you want and to make the game a little more social. If you've got an opinion on the new trading system drop a comment below and let us know what you think.

Friday 17 February 2012

(Not quite so) MASSIVE UPDATE!!!

Not as big of an update today but it's still an update. Work on the hairdressers is complete so you'll be able to give your characters some more impressive hair styles and colours to make yourself stand out. We also have some more info on the first boss the King Fluffl, we're not certain yet but we are working on a super rare final drop for it, maybe a bad ass piece of equipment or accessory. If you've got any idea for more bosses or what you want for the super rare final drop drop a comment below and we'll take it under advisement.

Thursday 16 February 2012


Sorry for not updating for 2 days but we've been hard at work getting all of this work done for a nice timely beta release. We've added loads of new mobs as well as FC2's first boss monster so be prepared. If you think all that sounds too tough we've also added some new more powerful armour and weaponry to help you do that little bit extra damage. Not to mention that this armour will be colour customisable to help make your character more unique.

Monday 13 February 2012

New updated map + New location

The map has been updated so it now includes more locations for you to hunt for mobs and the locations all got new icons to make them look more stylish. If you wanna talk about the new map just drop a comment below and let us know what you think.

Saturday 11 February 2012

New class items!

New class items for every class are now coded. Weapons for Swordsmen, Mages and Rangers are up to give you a little more choice for your character. If you wanna shout out for your class you can drop a comment below or if you have any questions about the weapons or gear for each class we'll be happy to answer them for you.

Friday 10 February 2012

New Titles/ Titles at all!

Hey, we're currently in discussion about putting in titles in to the game for achieving various feats of heroism. It'd mostly be for PvP but it would add a little extra personal flair to your character, as long as you earn a good one and not just the easiest one that everybody'll get, and there's an outside chance they might do extra cool stuff too. If you wanna drop a comment below with your opinion on the titles it'd really help us decide faster :)

Thursday 9 February 2012

Magic gear and new mobs!

For those of you who shoot for a more magical style of play they first tier magic equipment is now fully coded so you can choose mage robes over iron armour. If you're looking forward to playing the mage type or if you want to give a shout out to the old fashioned iron style drop a comment below and let is know your preference.

P.S. New mobs were coded in with this update too so you can go mouse hunting in your new fancy robes.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Bug fixing stage 1 Complete!

Following some preliminary tests of the game some bugs have arisen but they're sorted now and we're one step closing to a successful beta release :D

P.S. There's still time for you all to enter the competition so make sure you have a go at it if you're planning on playing the game.

P.P.S. Lots of new equips and mobs added since last post including some mage armour and weapons so all you mages can look forward to that.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Hunter skill leveling demo!

The hunting skill is dependent on quests to kill so many of a certain mob, your hunting level is used to unlock more exp in battles, better drop chances from mobs, new drop chances and even new mobs/areas not to mention the reward you get for completing a mob hunting quest. If you have any questions about the hunting skill just drop a comment below and we'll get back to you.

P.S. The contest for the "Fat Iron Halberd" is still open for all of you to enter so have a go if you think you're sharp enough

Monday 6 February 2012

Competition for free stuffs!

Not even released and you can already win rares, isn't it amazing? To win the lovely "Fat Iron Halberd", currently the most powerful Iron weapon in FC2, just find what's wrong with the picture above. In case you can't find it I'll give you a couple of hints.

Hint 1: Look Reeeeeally closely (Zoom in if you have to)

Hint 2: If you find any poultry that's probably not right

Good luck to all of you. If you figure it out just drop a comment below with the username you're planning to use and the thing wrong with the picture and you could be one of the few proud owners of the "Fat Iron Halberd"

Sunday 5 February 2012

Testing out luck!

After 25 battles with a Fluffl at 100% luck, this is the drops received. Not the best but with double that luck this is what I was looking at!

Exciting new progress!

Progress on the game is going great! To prove this we've got a little gameplay vid for you all, it runs through basic character creating, visiting the shop and a couple of battles as well as allocation points from leveling up. As usual, drop a comment below for what you like/hate or just any general feelings you've got about what you've seen so far.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Battle system is LIVE!!!

Progress is going GREAT! This is a little intro to the battle system, the battle style is fairly simple so it's easy to grasp if you're not a big gamer. It's a pretty basic style, fight monsters get monster drops and sell them or you can craft things once the crafting shops are live, if you've got anything to say about the battle system, what u like/hate just drop a comment below and we'll see what we can do about it.

Friday 3 February 2012

Inventory is LIVE! Plus an introduction to the leveling system

Major progress on Forlorn the Second. The inventory system is 100% complete aswell as major progress is being made on the levelling system. The inventory still needs some testing doing but as far as we know it's running smoothly. So yeah, the layout looks pretty slick dontcha think? Any thoughts about it, what do you like, what don't you like, drop a comment on this post and let us know.

P.S. There's gonna be more on the leveling system when it's further developed so stay tuned

Our Old Website

We have recently joined Blogger but if you'd like to know anything about this project, our old website holds quite a lot of information, ideas, pictures and updates. From now on thought all updates will be coming through this blog. Feel free to comment and please do share to your friends! Thank you!

Thursday 2 February 2012

New blog is live!

The new blog is up, this is gonna have all the inside information about Forlorn the Second aswell as a load of info about the game so that you'll be in the know when it's fully released!